Eye of the Tiger Fitness Logo

6 Week Weight Management Program

Maximum 6 Participants. 

The group will meet face to face once per week for 6 weeks, to cover weight management topics, share challenges and successes. 

Achieve your goals with the support of likeminded people.


6 session package $189, includes tailored meal plan and all face to face meeting sessions. 

Topics covered

Week 1
Setting Good Goals Healthy Upgrades
“You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going because you might not get there.” – Yogi Berra Nutrition Transformation is NOT about perfection! It is about doing things just a little bit better.
Week 2
Kitchen Clean up Meal Planning and Prep **Bonus: Eating at Christmas
It is hard to eat healthy foods when there are not healthy foods around. Many times our diets suffer because we are unprepared when hunger strikes!
Week 3
Moderation and Portion Sizes Check in and Review
Navigating moderation, mindfulness, and body awareness: Find the middle ground, Track how you feel, Change what isn’t working Goal check in – how are you doing? Struggle? Let’s talk about it
Week 4
Calories and Macros Metabolism, Exercise and Energy Balance
Diving into macronutrients and what they do for you. Adding exercise to the equation.
Week 5
Healthy Mindset Sleep, Stress and Self Care
How your emotions drive your thoughts and behaviors. The difference between self-care and self-comfort, the impact stress has on your body (and goals), and creating a sleep ritual.
Week 6
Diving into different diets Movement!
Intermittent Fasting, Keto and Finding what might be right for you making your entire life one that has movement and healthy eating as the centerpiece.